Well the following day the pony was claimed! Strangely enough the owners lived NEXT DOOR to the finders! Clearly someone has been lying. It seems their pony had been in next doors field before so they knew perfectly well who owned him.I am very annoyed, I could have been in trouble for castrating the pony(I did advise owners to do so and they seemed agreeable)I suspect that the people who rang the shelter were fed up of finding a stray stallion in their field along with their mares(and who can blame them) but they should have told me the truth. Anyhow he has gone now and in fairness the owners did seem decent people, they had all his paperwork in order, passport etc.
It teaches me a lesson not to always believe stories given me about stray/abandoned pets. Having said that I AM always sceptical as readers of the blog will already know but somehow with horses and ponies it doesnt seem quite the same. Lesson Learned! Although I have run animal shelters for over thirty years this is the first horse rescue I have managed and there are a whole set of different rules and regulations surrounding equines and different problems appertaining to them.Some things, however most definitely are the same, such as people stretching the truth to suit themselves.
Another amazing thing, the owner of Sidney the staffordshire bull terrier has turned up after A MONTH.He has come back today with paperwork to prove he is the owner and says he has "been away" for a while and had left a friend caring for the dog. He does seem ok , genuinely fond of the dog who is called Buba and thankfully he has paid the neutering fee we incurred . Sidney / Buba made a great fuss of him when he saw him and I must say that it will be a relief to have Sid off the property,he is not good with other animals and it is a big worry having such a dog here with so many cats and sheep about.
Two long term cats have finally been chosen and left us for a better life.Some months ago I did a special appeal for Kitty a black and white cat who was very unhappy after her owner died.Kitty never really settled here which was a great worry so I could not be happier for her now.They also chose Sunny who had been here 18 months and I have heard via email that both are settling well . Kitty has taken over the house as the Grand Matriarch and judging by the attached photos sent to me , she is back where she belongs. That gives me a real boost. The only problem was that her new owner asked Kitty to pose fora photo to send me but she refused(see here) Even when taking the photo of Sunny(now Trev) she hid behind the cat sctaching post! Clearly she wants nothing more to do with me after I was so cruel to put her in a pen in the cattery. Iwill be castigated forever by Kitty!
People often ask me if I am sad when longterm animals go to new homes but I love it, Thats what we are here for - to find these homeless pets real homes where in the winter they can curl up by a warm fire and have the individual love and attention they all deserve. Of course all the staff develop special bonds with certain animals but I would say that the feelings we all have are more of anxiety than sadness, anxiety that all will be well, that the animal will settle and that it will prove to be a permanent home . It is more upsetting when they get returned, sometimes just one too many upheavals in the life of a pet can ruin its temperament and confidence. Its like people who have many relationship break ups or bereavements , sometimes there is just one too many to deal with and people can shut down emotionally. I speak as one who knows! Maybe that is why I empathise with animals so much.
The last of the mice have been rescued now and Barbara is travelling to South wales tomorrow to deliver them to various shelters who have come forward to offer assistance. Please let this be the last time Stan gets in touch.We have all had enough. Poor Barbara is seeing mice in her dreams(or rather nightmares) Altogether we have rescued 1,500 mice from him!
Well its pouring with rain now so I am going to make a dash to the house to have my lunch and hope I dont get soaked for the second time today.The first being when I walked Molly and friends this morning and had to change clothes on return. Oh the joys of dog walking in the rain.Even they failed to enjoy it as much as usual.Must go, food awaits!
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