Sometimes nice things happen and god do I appreciate it when they do! After reading yesterdays blog one of our fosterers Clare came forward and has offered to foster Nell with the view to keeping her if all works well. I am delighted, Clare is a very sensible and dog minded person and Nell really seemed to take to her and her teenage daughter and whats more there is another collie in the family so her presence should make Nell feel more at home. We all really want this to work for her, its the best chance she will have of integrating into normal life. Watch this space!
Theres been no news yet about Jackies whereabouts but I live in hope.
Today little Tilly lurcher and an adult cat went off to a new home but tomorrow Thunder the husky is being returned due to an unexpected change in family circumstances. I have readvertised her on dogsblog and hope this will bring a good response. The "vicious" collie pup Squiggles mentioned a week ago(and pictured here) has been fostered but has been admitted here today and is busy making friends with Tigger and Mollys bunch. He is about as vicious as a new born baby!
We are calling the vet out to look at Big Buster and also we want him to look at little Maggie shetland who appears to be a bit wobbly and is not walking properly.There is always something to worry about,my biggest worry next to the welfare of the animals is paying the vets bill at the moment. Im glad we have a few fundraisers coming up,we desperately need the extra funds these will generate though we really need one fundraiser a month minimum and a committee to organise events.As I am much aware this is not my forte at all, the old saying springs to mind "she couldnt organise a piss.up in a brewery! Im not that bad but it would take up too much of my time here.Of course i am not referring to the brewery party in case anyone thinks I have aspirations to organise such an event.I hardly think that would be good for the charity image though I can think of one or two people who would love the chance to be let loose in a brewery. (not me, I will drink a little socially but really not keen on taste of alcohol) The Liverpool shelter have many different type of events going on throughout the year including regular Ghost walks and concerts. Never mind well get there in the end, it takes time and we have more supporters now offering help help than in previous years so thats positive.
A young lady from lampeter has been here today helping Barbara with the mice and has taken 50 back home with her. Altogether there are just under 400, isnt that a nightmare, still Barbara has managed as she did before to get help for most of them and will be delivering some to a couple of other shelters in Wales over the next week.have just heard that Furry Friends a small animal shelter are taking all of them!! Thank you Emma , I owe you one.
I was set to take the last of the 15 farm collies, this one Jet is 12 years old and I can scarcely believe it but this morning I had a call from a lady in Southport offereing Lass (the other 12 years old) a home but having heard she has gone she is now going to take on Jet. This is really good news, oldies are not usually so easy to place in homes.
Five beautiful cats have been admitted this morning, the ginger has the most stunning blue eyes, he and the two tabby and whites Tiger and Tabby are very sad at the moment, their owner is terminally ill but they will be fine in a few days and I think they will appea to people so may not be here too long. The other two Lola and Rooney have been brought in because their owner is pregnant and will not have the time for them anymore. if I had a pound for every animal brought here for that reason I would be a very wealthy woman.
Yet another bit of good news (Im doing well today) is that Rocky the coloured horse returned recently who happens to be my favourite horse(I know I should not have a favourite really) will be going to live with Alison and Sara who already have two of our ponies Honey and Caspar. Rocky will be a companion for their bigger horse and as they are not too far away I will be able to see him whenever I want, they actually live on the way to our vet so I am often passing by. I had decided that Rocky was staying here this time but knowing what a good home they can offer I have to think of what is best for him. (pictured here with me 2 years ago)
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