ThIs is Smut, the pup who was supposed to be food aggressive! He is just four and a half months old, a real livewire.Unlike many young dogs who will not stay still for a "photo shoot" he actually seemed to like his photo being taken and as you can see posed beautifully.
A home has been offered today for our ducks so I hope the homecheck will prove successful, even though I have just bought a new shed for them! This often seems to happen, whenever I start to think that an animal(s) is here to stay, a home suddenly turns up, perhaps I should do that more often.I am sure the shed will come in handy for something else.I never know what is going to turn up from one day to the next.
I have just heard that Sally collie, the dog whose owner was found dead in suspicious circumstances and who was with us for a long time is doing well but still has some issues which need to be addressed.Her main problem is that she distrusts strangers and in particular men.The new owner is having a behaviourist in to try and help her get over this.I am not sure if anythng can help a dog overcome a bad memory.Sally was great with some men, she was very fond of Roy who is the
manager of our Caernarfon shop so it seems to be a case of her needing to learn to trust someone and that may be something which will always be needed in her dealings with strangers.
I popped in our Porthmadog shop today,this has to be the best of our shops due to its location on the high street in Port, it is popular with both holidaymakers and locals.Trisha, the manageress has been with us since the shop first opened and always has the shop looking good, she has been up to see our shop premises in Barmouth and had some valid suggestions on improvements to be made prior to opening.
There have already been a few offers of people willing to help out in it so I need to organise the shop fittings to go in this week.There never seem to be enough days in the week to do everything and dealing with the charity shops is not my forte, I have always preferred working with the animals at the shelter.
The vanished Manageress of Lampteer has not reappeared and its anyones guess where she is now but the staff there seem competent enough to keep the shop open. We will have to see how it goes but certainly for now it does not seem to be a major problem.
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