Thursday 8 December 2011

Paddy Is Rushed To Vet for Emergency Op.

Sam the shetland pony with the abscess is a lot better already and unlike some ponies on enforced stabling, seems quite happy to be inside and receiving more attention. All the horses and ponies are clamouring to come in at nights now, the evenings are very cold and I wonder if we have snow on the way? Mount Snowdon is covered in snow and has been for the past week.
I bought two new bird feeders yesterday so the smaller birds can feed away from the ravenous starlings.When the big birds descend on the table, they scare the sparrows etc away so hopefully these new feeders will do the trick.I went out in the dark last night to replenish them all so they could have a feast early morning and so I would not be under pressure to hurry my dog walking in order to do it. I am definitely turning into my mother whose day was fitted round the feeding times of her garden birds which she so loved.Even my Aunt Audrey when she worked in the offices of John Moores, used to take a bag of corn with her to work so she could feed the pigeons around Liverpool City Centre. Nobody ever complained like they do nowadays!

Had a terrible  evening, Paddy took ill and   I  had to rush him to the Vet with suspected Torsion(twisted Gut) As this was the same which killed my last Dane Molly, I was terrified for him. He had to undergo an emergency operation and at 11pm I received a call from the surgery to say he had survived the op. Molly too had come through the op but died of a heart attack less than an hour later so I had no sleep waiting for the call to come saying he had not made it through the night.Thankfully he did and this morning I went in to see him, his pulse was still weak so he has not yet been allowed home but he did at least stand to greet me, albeit lethargically.
Sorry blog so short, more tomorrow.

1 comment:

June said...

It will have cheered Paddy up to see you this morning. Glad you were able to go in and visit him. Thinking of you both x