Saturday 17 November 2007

Ross not yet out the woods.

Just a quick entry today.We have had a horrendous 48hrs with old Ross. This morning, on his 5th visit, the vet Geraint managed to eventually dislodge the obstruction the old pony had in his oesophogus. As he said if it didnt work today, he was going to die so it was a desperate situation.Now there is a high chance he may develop pneumonia or there is permanent damage to his insides.It is just a matter now of waiting and watching over him. Mei spent the first night with him in the stable and last night I got up several times during the night to check on him so we are both very tired, hence the short blog. Please join me in wishing him a full recovery, we are all so fond of this old man.

1 comment:

nick said...

Hi Lesley, saw Ross this afternoon and he was looking a lot better - all our thoughts are with him as got a real soft spot for him and Chloe and titch are waiting for him to go back out. Keeping fingers crossed will come up and see him in the next few days.
