Wonderful news - Suzy has recovered.After several very tense and nail biting days with Suzy refusing all attempts to encourage her to eat and her spending all her time sleeping, she finally started to brighten up and show interest in food. What a relief it is to see her back to normal.She is back to her usual grumpy irritable self and I could not be happier. She can bite me all she likes, she is old and entitled to have her moods (my friends and family please take note!!)I am just delighted she has recovered.
The person interested in the middle aged collie has not yet been to see him but is coming here tomorrow, I just hope she will take him as I have rather foolishly held off advertising him and we need our foster homes for other urgent cases.
The two young collies are still available although Sally has someone interested so pending a homecheck she may be going to live in Lancaster.They are both lovely dogs but like all youngsters quite a handful.Both Scott and Sally pictured here.
The collapsing cattery roof is still posing us a problem and now the old dog kennels in which we house the overflow of cats,is also leaking.Will the problems never end?
One of our supporters who also has cats from us is trying to get some help from his employers who have a roofing company so I am going to measure the roof today and keep my fingers crossed that his request will fall on sympathetic ears.
Our Christmas fair at the Royal Sportsman Hotel is taking place on friday 4th December so we are all hoping it will be a success as it is the first Christmas fundraising event we have held in Wales. The collection went ahead at Tescos in Holyhead on Sunday and the magnificent sum of £411 was raised, far more than I expected.It was a bit of a struggle finding volunteers to help but in the end it all came together and everyone is thrilled with the amount collected.An attraction could well have been that a couple of helpers turned up with their dogs wearing panniers on which the Freshfields logo was displayed. Tescos have given us a couple more dates to do this so I will try to organise another day in the next couple of weeks.Money is still tight but the apppeal has kept us ticking over and of course the donations of petfood has saved us a great deal of money.
I have been in LLandudno with Barry trying to sort out the problems there and have started interviewing people for the job of manager.There have been quite a few applicants and I am still sifting through them so may need to return to Llandudno later this week or early next week. Mei doesnt like me taking the 4x4 because William is unhappy when his mobile kennel disappears. Usually he prefers to sleep in the car than anywhere else so he is very put out when it vanishes from the yard. When I return, he rushes - not to greet ME but to jump back in the car as though to say "its not going anyhwhere again without ME" Only when he is safely inside will he deign to wag his tail in greeting to me.Dear old William.
Me is STILL in pain with her wrist, I took her to Bangor Hospital yesterday and this time the doctor told her she has to have ANOTHER MRI scan and most likely an operation.This has been going on now f0r 6 months, no wonder she is fed up.Most of the staff have something wrong with them physically( some have back pain and Vanessa has a recurring knee problem) and I think we all have some mental health problems or we wouldnt be doing this work, low pay for hard, dirty work and frequent abuse from members of the public we are trying to help.Its a great way to earn a living! Seriously though it is a good feeling knowing that needy animals are being helped by us and we meet some lovely people who restore ones faith in human nature. Its the animals and people like that which keep us going and make it worthwhile.
Its just as well I am quite healthy apart from the pernicious anaemia which tires me towards the end of the three months when I am due for an injection.Incidentally I seem to be getting braver about it.,The last few times nobody got hurt except me! And it only takes one nurse to hold me down instead of the usual 3!! Things are progressing. There may even come a time when I can walk in the surgery without being held in a vice like grip by a friend who is desperately trying to stop me from escaping.Stranger things have happened.
Well its a blustery wet day today and we have had no visitors for cats but we have had a visit from someone who wants to homecheck for us . We are desperately short of such people so I was delighted to have her offer and hope she becomes an integral part of our volunteer team.
Connie shetland is doing ok at the moment, we are watching her carefully in case she has another fit, yesterday Grandad also had a fit and this is about the third one he has endured.Both old ponies have heart murmers but have been fine in between the seizures so their numbers are not yet up and we will give them a good life until that day arrives. Thats what Freshfields is all about.