The sun is shining today, so different from yesterday, I thought the rain would never cease. The fields desperately need to dry out but the rain doesnt stay away for long enough.I felt sorry for some of the old cats in the cattery so decided to take on 3 more as permanent residents.Trevor and Tomas are lovely friendly cats but nobody seems to want them and last week an elderly black and white female cat was brought in with very weak back legs.The vet says its probably from an old injury but she cant jump up on the sleeping shelves.So all three are now in the conserevatory with the other oldies.They will have the run of the shelter but Ill lock them in for a while to settle them down.As it is they all seem to have made themselves at home on the sofa and are purring away happily. There are 2 others I am considering but i could go on for ever and there has to be a limit.There are already around 30 living here permanently. The other 2 are Inky an 18 years old black cat and Toots a 10 years old deaf cat - though maybe someone will take on Toots, she is a very sweet little cat.Ill give her a bit longer but will introduce Inky to her new home tomorrow.
When I went to the vet on Friday a farmer had taken in a 4 months collie pup he no longer wanted, well she came back to the shelter with me and 24 hrs later went to a home.As luck would have it , Leila who has some of our animals was looking for a young collie for her daughter. I wish all animals would go so quickly.
Pal does not seem to be missing Sally but he has a new friend to share with now.An elderly and very neglected Foxhound was brought to us last week,Although she is rather old for a hunting hound, she was found at the foot of mountains where hunts regularly take place,Novbody has claimed her and if they did I would have more than a few questions to ask! Now named Bonny, she has terrible pressure sores all over her skinny frame, undoubtedly caused by lying on concrete and she is constantl;y searching for food.Walks are of no interest to her, she wants to stay round the kitchen where the food is prepared.Considering she has been starved, its of no surprise she is so obsessed with food.(I have no idea what my excuse is? I think i am just plain greedy)
I have had a few calls and emails this week to take horses but although our numbers are down, the fields are in too poor a state to consider taking on any new ones just yet and most of thepeople who contact me for equines, want them to ride.Most of the horses admitted here or on the waiting list are suitable as companions only due to various healthy issues.