I was walking the dogs early this morning and it was so peaceful and quiet that I had time to really look around me, sometimes I am rushing so much and concentrating on throwing balls for the dogs and watching where they are that I dont really see much.The fields look so pretty with patches of buttercups and clover and other wild flowers that I am ashamed to realise I have no idea what many of the species are called so my personal mission for this week is to identify them and then I will know exactly what I am looking at!The docks although killed off in the lower fields are unsightly and so difficult to pull up by the roots, I tried but gave up after a while though I managed to pull up some of the dreaded ragwort which is springing up everywhere.This is probably the job we all hate the most, it is back breaking but absolutely necessary as it is so poisonous to horses.This causes longterm liver dmage so the effects are not always apparent immediately which is perhaps why some people do not attach enough importance to the removal of it from fields where horses graze.
Tanya seems more content in her stable today, she is nibbling at her hay and seems in less pain thanks to the pain relief she has had. The anglesey ponies finish their antibiotics today but are still on pain relief, at least until their feet have been seen by the farrier.After that hopefully we may be able to use an alternative and natural pain killer in their feeds.(Devils Claw)
A couple more kittens are reserved and we have had high jinx tring to catch an escaped feral youngster, he is still in the room but is evading all attempts at capture, naughty little man.A trap has been set for him, baited with the tastiest strongest smelling catfood we have.This must do the trick today.
We have taken in 2 Aylesbury ducks which the owner wanted to get rid of immediately(this attitude puts so much pressure on us), I need to find someone with a nice pond for them, I would love to keep them here but there are no facilities where they will be safe from my badly behaved Great Dane Molly.At the moment they are in temporary accommodation at the back of the old dog kennels and seem ok but its far from ideal.
Its pouring with rain today, a very dull June day, whatever happened to Blazing June?
A nice couple in Criccieth are holding an open garden day for the shelter on August
16th. normally I would think it will be great weather then but will it? I hope so for their sakes and ours.There will be plants, cakes, and the usual bits and bobs for sale.>Its a real morale booster when people offer to fundraise.After 6 years in this area, I feel we are only just starting to make an impression so its a good feeling.