I have had an enquiry for Scott one of the collies and also one for Dylan(was Bryn)pup so it looks as though things are looking up again for the dogs. Mist has settled down and is less nervous today so she should be ready to be spayed next week. her only fault it seems is that she is not keen on cats.Oh well she will just have to stay on the lead, I will not put the cats at risk .Other than that she is a sweet gentle dog and deserves far better than the life she has had,I know I keep saying this but its in my head all the time when I see these dogs.
Does anyone have facilities for two large terrapins? Unsurprisingly these two have outgrown their 3 foot tank and the owner is desperate for a new home for them. When they are sold the new owners should be told they will not stay small and can grow enormous.That would be the ethical way to sell to people, but it would result in few sales so no wonder no information is given with them. The Liverpool shelter has two indoor ponds for these creatures but they are full and one holds a solitary terrapin , a soft shelled turtle which will kill others and so Mrs Softy as we call her has to sadly stay on her own.Since she first arrived some years ago she was tiny and now she is the size of a dinner plate. She is a very prehistoric looking creature,I must ask Lynne to to take a photo of her so I can post it on the blog to show people. I remember when she arrived in a tank with a single red eared terrapin huddled in terror at the far end.She had killed the others in with her. Ignorance causes so much stress and trauma to animals which is one of the reasons I have always hated petshops selling animals. Pets need to be homed with full care instructions, its only common sense after all.
Nice names for pet cats - I was asked today to take in two cats named Mold and Fungus!!!!!! These have to be the worse names yet and believe me there have been some horrors. The owner has been made homeless so it is of some urgency that we find room for them.As I will be taking the FIV cats to Liverpool tomorrow, there is a pen free for them. .The main cattery is full at the moment.Oh, good news, we homed a lovely black and white cat called Tommy who had been here over a year.I just love it when that happens. There are only a few left which have been here that length of time, slowly but surely the long term cats are being chosen.
We need to make sure there is enough stabling for horses this winter because 4 will be coming back to us at the end of the summer.There is always the chance that the circumstances will change in peoples lives, it is a fact of life that seldom does anything stay the same and so we need to be prepared for 2 (large) shetlands Heather and Paddy and two larger horses Dids and Buster coming back to the shelter. Perhaps by then we may have found homes for the youngsters Merlin, Celt and Shamrock.That would certainly help.We will struggle for shelter for them all but think we will just about manage providing there are no further emergencies. Heather is pictured here with Paddy when he was a little foal, he is now bigger than his mum and is rising 5 years.
I will be in Liverpool until Thursday, attending a Trustee meeting and taking the opportunity to catch up with best friend Diane with whom I will be staying overnight. We dont see enough of each other nowadays so there will be lots to catch up on.