Once again the computer has let me down so apologies to regular readers but I am back on track again.
It is pouring with rain today, we dont know what to do with the horses, if we leave their rugs on, the sun shines and they become too hot but if we take them off and the temperature drops it could be a recipe for pneumonia. It is just so unpredictable at the moment . At least the combination of rain and sun should finally have some affect on the spring grass which is taking a long time to come through this year. Both Rocky and Ken have gone off to their loan homes and have settled happily so difficult though it undoubtedly was , I am now glad I made the decision to let Rocky go. Minnie and Georgie Girl are back grazing at Rosies smallholding and all is well with the horses and ponies here.Both Farrier and Dentist have been recently so they are all up to date on their treatment. Dentist Andre who won the animal humanitarian award from IFAW last year told me that he was very proud to receive the award and had a wonderful day at the reception in London. As I have mentioned previously he is so kind with our animals and not many professionals would give up their time to treat overworked donkeys abroad. He really deserved his award. He has offered to treat some equines at the open day and will donate his fees to Freshfields so if anybody would like their horses teeth seen by an excellent dentist and they live locally please get in touch with me.
We are searching for a good adult only home for two adorable springer spaniels Jess and Sam whose owner no longer has time for them now she has children. Both dogs were kept outside and are a little overweight and in dire need of a grooming session .This will be done by Rosie as soon as she has some free time. In the meantime they are overjoyed to be able to run free in the fields ,it is a real pleasure to take them out on the fields and watch their delight in being out.
There was another scare with William the other day.He followed Mei when she was feeding the horses and Blue took umbrage at Williams close presence to his food nd rushed at him, bowling him over.Thankfully he only suffered a grazed leg but my heart was in my mouth when Mei told me what had happened.
Although he is more like his old self he does seem to be behaving differently which could just be because he is getting old but he is much more clingy than ever before .He was always quite an independent dog so this is unusual for him. I suppose we all change as we become older.I told someone the other day how much I had mellowed over the years and he looked at me in total disbelief as though he could not believe I could have been more volatile than now. BElIEVE IT!
There were so many times I felt so close to cracking up, the pressures of money problems, the constant calls from people wanting to get rid of their pets, the abuse given over the phone when I had to admit defeat having no space for even one more animal which some owners will not accept - hence a tirade of insults . On a regular basis this would become too much. Nowadays the Liverpool shelter has a rota of receptionists taking calls and this is a much better idea. When one person is left to deal with it, even the calmest person will find it hard to deal with.
It is quieter in Wales which suits me better though we have chaotic days also. A few days ago we had a visit from local police who had been told that we might have had something to do with some missing dogs locally.It now transpires that someone has taken the remaining collies I had been concerned about and all I can say is Good Luck to them. I was not the only person aware of the poor conditions these animals were kept in and over a period of time had received many complaints about them. As mentioned in other blog entries, some were handed over to the shelter by the owner himself and a friend also had 2 dogs given to her by him.Why he refused to part with the last 6 I have no idea but I am pleased someone took the initiative to free them from their prison and I for one will shed no tears for him. I simply fail to understand why none of the authorities who were aware of the situation have dealt with this neglect. Can you inmagine all these dogs locked up for years, barking whenever they hear a noise, surrounded by houses and nothing gets done.Yet Ilive in a rural smallholding surrounded by fields and am not allowed to kennel even a small number of stray dogs. makes no sense at all.
The latest news from the RSPCA that they are no longer to take in stray animals due to lack of money is a shocking one.,If they think they have no money they should take a look at the Freshfields accounts! The implications for us and other small charities is frightening. Where will all the strays go now? There is a great need for rescue kennels here , the nearest is colwyn Bay RSPCA but if they have stopped taking in strays what happens now?( a friend of mine recently rang about a stray dog he had seen dodging traffic in the Llandudno area and was told this new policy is now in use so received no help.)
Freshfields only has a few foster homes for the dogs we help here in North Wales and these will not provide enough shelter for the many dogs which are going to be picked up. It is going to be a disaster for the canine population.